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These nature houses can be found in the surroundings of .
Bungalow Basilicata
Basilicata is the ancient name of Lucania – a region in Southern Italy. This beautiful region enjoys two coasts – one on the Tyrrhenian Sea and one along the “heel of the boot” – the Gulf of Taranto. The ancient name is derived from the word for a Byzantine emperor – basileus. Its newer name – Lucania – was given during the Greek and Roman Ages and it means white – signifying the bright white rocks of this region.
Bungalows in the Basilicata region are located in some of the most beautiful places across Italy. You will have a chance to immerse into the Italian nature, undisturbed and relaxed! Enjoy your time under the sun and communicate with the hosts. They will do everything in their power to make you feel welcomed and comfortable. Enjoy a talk with them and learn more about the most interesting places to visit in the area. If you prefer to have less interaction with people and enjoy time alone, then a contactless stay is always a possibility.
Nature of Lucania
Monticchio is one of the most interesting areas in Basilicata. It is part of the Vulture region, which has a geographical and historical significance in this part of Italy. Its name comes from the now extinct volcano Monte Vulture. It is famous mainly for its lakes – two lakes within the crater of the volcano. You can also see the castle of Frederick II in the same area. The lakes are often called the Vulture Twins; the smaller lake feeds into the Great Lake. On the bank of the Small Lake, an ancient abbey still looks over the water – Abbey of Saint Michael the Archangel.
Dolomiti Lucane is a mountain range in the region, part of the Apennines. Here you will find the regional park Piccole Dolomiti Lucane – the heart of Basilicata. The park’s main purpose is to preserve the ecosystem in the center of the region, because this area is important in naturalistic, historical and anthropological ways. The forest of Gallipoli Cognato is unique not only due to its remarkable beauty, but also due to the possibility of becoming a “citizen of the forest”.
Activities in Basilicata
The region of Monticchio provides numerous possibilities for a day full of adventures. You can hike through the Monte Vulture area and take a look at the two lakes from on top of the crater. Moreover, you can take one of the many trails eventually arriving at the Abbey and admire the two mountain lakes.
Of course, don’t miss the chance to admire the beautiful Ionian or Tyrrhenian Seas. Head to La Secca or Fiumicello Spiaggia for a fun day at the beach. For a more unique experience, opt for Spiaggia Nera – the black sand beach, which is known to have some of the clearest waters around Italy.
Pollino is another massive part of the Apennines which is part of the Pollino National Park. Pollino is home to rich flora and fauna, there are dense forests in which you can see beeches and pines, but more remarkably the rare tree Bosnian Pine, which has become a symbol of this park. The numerous trekking and hiking paths will take you on a mission to explore this park and hopefully allow you to meet some of its residents – eagle owl, roe deer and the rare golden eagle.