- 7 Persons
- 4 bedrooms
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Nature house in Beaufort Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Nature house in Eppeldorf Diekirch, Luxembourg
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Maulusmuhle Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Maulusmuhle Diekirch, Luxembourg
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Maulusmuhle Clervaux Diekirch, Luxembourg
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Dirbach Diekirch, Luxembourg
- 6 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Eppeldorf Diekirch, Luxembourg
- 2 Persons
Nature house in Maulusmuehle Clervaux Diekirch, Luxembourg
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Maulusmuhle Luxembourg, Luxembourg
- 5 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
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These nature houses can be found in the surroundings of .
Luxembourg ranks as seventh in the list of Europe's smallest countries. Its total surface is 2,586 square km, and it measures 82 km long and 57 km wide. The compact size of the country makes it the perfect destination for a weekend or a day trip . In fact, for many travelers, Luxembourg is usually a transit destination, on their trip to Southern Europe. However, the country has a lot to offer such as a lot of tranquility and hills that will make you lose track of time. So, rent a car, bike or put on your sneakers and discover all that a country like Luxembourg can offer!
Flora and fauna
Luxembourg is a landlocked country of thick, green forests that cover rolling hills and low mountains. The Northern part of Luxembourg, which still belongs to the Ardennes, makes this area very popular for nature lovers. In this region it is the average height of 450 meters and the river valleys are interspersed with forest pines. The relief makes Osling to find a few very particular types of animals, such as pigs, deer, birds of prey and the black stork. Further, the South, the landscape changes from mountainous to relatively flat, making this area very suitable for agriculture and home construction.
If you have a passion for fishing, Luxembourg is the perfect vacation country for you! The country is known for its great variety in types of fish, eel, carp, trout and pike perch. In addition, do not miss to check out Nature.house accommodations near the waters to enhance your experience. Do you enjoy hiking? Then be sure to prepare yourself for a long hike at the Mullerthal Trail. In fact, Mullerthal is also known as Luxembourg’s Little Switzerland because of its rocky formations, forests, and caves, and it’s an area of incredible natural beauty – besides hiking, it’s also possible to go climbing, kayaking or mountain biking in the vicinity of the Mullerthal Trail. If you are not looking for an adventurous vacation but willing to experience the culture and history, then Luxembourg can offer it too! Visit the capital of the country, which has the same name. Here you can find any type of activities, if you want to go shopping, learn about the culture, taste the gastronomy or visit a museum. Even a small walk around the Old City will keep you busy for a small day trip exploring the main square and monuments.
More information?
On our website you can find a wide variety of houses and types, such as B&B, villas, gites, bungalows and others. Nature.house offers cottages in Europe of all characteristics and price. In this way we hope to be able to offer a rural house to all our clients! If you need help finding the perfect accommodation for your holidays, we are at your full disposal. Before you make your final decision booking one of our beautiful cottages in Luxembourg, be sure to check our last minute offers and other cottages in Europe! For any question, reservation or ideas you can contact us by phone, our social networks or email.