- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
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Nature house in Covas / Vila Nova de Cerveira North, Portugal
Nature house in Louredo, Vieira do Minho North, Portugal
- 8 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
Nature house in Soutelo Mourisco North, Portugal
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Vila Caiz - Amarante North, Portugal
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Cabeceiras de Basto North, Portugal
- 4 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Gondoriz North, Portugal
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Amarante North, Portugal
- 4 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in quinta das lavras North, Portugal
- 6 Persons
- 4 bedrooms
Nature house in Santa Cruz do Lima North, Portugal
- 6 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
Nature house in Cabeceiras de Basto North, Portugal
- 7 Persons
- 4 bedrooms
Nature house in Melres North, Portugal
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Corgo, Celorico de Basto North, Portugal
- 4 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Corgo, Celorico de Basto North, Portugal
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Vale de Bouro North, Portugal
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Corgo, Celorico de Basto North, Portugal
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Bragança North, Portugal
- 4 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Cruz North, Portugal
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Bragança North, Portugal
- 4 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Soalhães North, Portugal
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Fafe North, Portugal
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
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These nature houses can be found in the surroundings of .
Rent a holiday home in Northern Portugal? Find a suitable holiday home in Northern Portugal here. Natuurhuisje.nl offers various holiday homes in northern Portugal. The north of Portugal is mainly known for its enormous natural beauty. There is not much information on the internet about this relatively unknown part of Portugal. That is why an attempt was made to paint a good picture of nature in northern Portugal. The most famous places in this region are Porto, Braga and Chaves.
On Nature.house you can find holiday homes Portugal near the most beautiful natural beauty. These are holiday homes Braga, holiday homes Porto and holiday homes Chaves. In the north of Portugal there are many national parks with beautiful forests, rock formations, rivers and waterfalls. The most important nature parks are briefly explained below. Of course there is also nature outside of these nature parks.
Most of the holiday homes in Northern Portugal that you find on Natuurhuisje.nl may not be located in the nature parks themselves. But we guarantee that all holiday homes in Northern Portugal are situated in a natural environment.
National Park de Penada Geres
This park looks almost medieval, there are shepherds and farmers walking with ox carts on the mountain ridges. There is also a traditional cow breed here called "De Mirandese", these cows with huge horns are impressive to see. The park has a rich flora and fauna, this is partly because there is a lot of rain in this part of Portugal. When we visited the area it was rumored that a few years ago there were even wolves in the area. But unfortunately this remains with rumors and this cannot be said with certainty. The area is certainly excellent for it. If you are looking for a holiday home near the Penada Geres, you will certainly find a good alternative here.
Montesinho nature park
This area is best to explore from a holiday home in Braganca. Beautiful mountain tops interspersed with small traditional villages in the various valleys make this area a jewel for the eyes. There is also a lot to see in birds, you will almost certainly come across a praying snake eagle ..
Alvao nature park
This park is relatively small and located to the west of Villa Real. But also certainly doable from a holiday home Braga or a holiday home Porto. Take a nice day to explore this beautiful park. The 300 meter high waterfalls: "Fisgas de Ermelo" are a tourist attraction in the area.
Douro International Nature Park
This park consists of a vast forest for the main part, and it is also known for its enormous arboretum. An Arboretum is a large collection of different types of trees. Here you will find both trees that occur naturally in Portugal and trees that also occur outside of Portugal. Well worth a visit if you are interested in Botany. You can easily reach the park from one of our holiday homes in Northern Portugal.
All in all a very varied region that is still relatively unknown to most of tourism. Certainly not unimportant in our view, we are in favor of dealing with this area in a sustainable way. We hope that you as a visitor to a holiday home Braga or a holiday home Chaves will also take this into account. If you still miss information in this section, we would like to hear from you. You can always send a contact form. If you are not particularly charmed by our holiday homes in Northern Portugal, we would like to point out the other nature-rich regions that Portugal has to offer.