Cottages Cantabria

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Do you want to rent a holiday home in Cantabria? Then you are at the right place, here you will find holiday houses Cantabria. All these holiday homes have one thing in common: they are located in or near the most beautiful nature in this region. Cantabria is located in the north of Spain and borders the regions of Asturias. And Castile-Leon.

The capital of Cantabria is Santander. The region has an area of ​​more than 5000 square kilometers on which nearly 600,000 inhabitants live. One of the highlights in the field of nature is the so-called Pico de tres Mares. This is a mountain top where three different rivers originate, namely the Duero, the Nansa and the Ebro. The special thing is that all three rivers also end up in three different seas. Respectively: the Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean Sea.

Cantabria is one of the greenest provinces in Spain and from a holiday home in this region you can further explore this beautiful region. Nature consists of mountains with small authentic mountain villages in the interior and a coastal strip with long sandy beaches. The mountains are interesting for all kinds of different birds of prey. The most common bird of prey that you will certainly encounter here is the black kite. You can recognize the black kite by its slightly forked tail and, unlike the red kite, by the lack of "light windows" in the under wing.

In addition to black kites, you can also observe other species of birds of prey. During your walks through the nature of Cantabria, watch for a praying bird of prey that often resides near telephone masts. When you see a large bird of prey praying, you are probably dealing with a snake eagle. These birds of prey are common in this part of Spain. Another bird of prey that you will definitely see is the dwarf eagle, this is the smallest eagle in Europe and can be recognized by its "headlights". When you see a dwarf eagle flying in front it can't miss it! If you want to observe birds of prey yourself, you can best do that by renting a house from us, because our houses have one thing in common: they are located in or near the most beautiful nature reserves of this region.

Do you want to observe birds of prey in Cantabria? Or do you want to book a holiday home in this region but you cannot find exactly what you are looking for? Feel free to send an email or contact us by telephone. We are happy to help you find a suitable holiday home in Cantabria. Our specialty is still holiday homes, but we are also happy to help you with information about nature.

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