Glamping Netherlands

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Glamping Netherlands

Glamping is a new type of tourism that combines luxury, nature and the unusual. Accommodation is nothing more than tents. But these tents have nothing to do with the usual camping. Gone are the days of camping with damp, uncomfortable sleeping places, wet clothes and wet feet. Glamping tents are now equipped with comfortable beds and box-spring mattresses, antique furniture, a cozy fireplace or sauna, or a bathroom with a nostalgic bathtub.

Nature of the Netherlands

The development of living creatures and green spaces in the Netherlands is directly related to the climate and aquatic environment. Due to the rich expanses of water, a kind of soil and soil of the country was formed - these are clay, humus and peat. Many territories were formed during the course of constant flooding. The development of the soil cover was influenced, of course, by the anthropogenic factor. This also negatively affected the habitat and settlement of birds. In river valleys, the soil is also cultivated and used for specific purposes. The lowlands are mostly marshy and there are few trees - pine, beech, ash, shrubs, grasses, groves and meadows predominate.

Fauna of the country

Again, due to the climate and water resources, the Netherlands is dominated by birds, mostly waterfowl. Some species of animals are kept in reserves, and in open spaces there are animals that are characterized by low-lying habitats and wet areas - roe deer, martens, squirrels. But by and large these are birds - geese, bean goose, geese, gulls, sandpipers, lapwings. A large population of eider birds has settled here.

Spoonbill is considered the national symbol of the country. It has white or pink plumage, high legs and a long beak, something like our heron, and feeds on marsh animals. The valleys of the Rhine and Meuse rivers are a popular wintering place for flocks of birds; the dense reeds of the rivers attract geese, teals, snipe and many others. In the secluded bays of the rivers, you can find the muskrat, which also contributes to the country's ecosystem.

Seals live on the shores of the North Sea, which are under the special protection of environmentalists and their extermination is almost prohibited. In the 50s there were about 2 thousand seals and they were shot, then the number was restored due to migration from Germany, but now their number is 500. In the Netherlands, amphibians are under protection, endangered species are under protection, due to human intervention in nature. The sea is also rich in fish, which plays an important role in the gastronomic culture of the country and is the fishery of many fishermen. Fishing in the North Sea also plays an important role in the country's economy.


Traditional zoo. South African penguins frolic in small ponds, seals stick their muzzles out of the water, pygmy hippos splash near the shore, elephants slowly walk among the forest thickets and orangutans and macaques happily communicate with visitors, a Sumatra tiger walks lazily among the rocks, surprising the leopard family with its calm disposition. And here are the ships of the desert - camels, ruffled bison, curious kangaroos, llamas and reindeer with beautiful spreading antlers. A bird nursery, a collection of reptiles in the mangrove hall and a huge noisy flock of flamingos amaze with a variety of species. But what is especially surprising is the abundance of rare animals. Even zoo lovers who have visited many of these parks are delighted with the animals they saw for the first time, many of which are listed in the Red Book.

Burgers`bush is a talented rainforest recreated by the park organizers with its high temperature and humidity, contributing to the uncontrollable growth of outlandish plants. Here tropical showers rustle, streams ring and waterfalls scatter spray. In 1988, on an area of ​​one and a half hectares, a structure with a height of 20 meters was erected. Every night, a special rooftop unit drops 120 cubic meters. jets of tropical rain. This is also done so that in the morning numerous visitors can see the world of the tropics, wade through thickets of lianas, cross the seething stream on a cable bridge and fall under a 17-meter waterfall. In these man-made tropics, visitors get to know the world of amazing plants: avocado, coffee, papaya, mango, pineapple, bamboo, rattan, bals and outlandish flowers. It is home to tropical birds, fish and reptiles. This is the world of Northern Australia, New Guinea, Africa and South America.

In Burgers`oсean you find yourself on the coast of the Indian or Pacific Ocean, on the coast of the lagoon, in the world of coral reefs. Passing from hall to Burgers`oсean hall, as if we plunge deeper and deeper into the ocean abyss. And now the bottom of the ocean. On April 7, 2000, ten huge tanks were filled with eight million liters of the purest ocean water. The largest pool held three million liters. Ten thousand fish and marine animals have become inhabitants of these waters. To observe the underwater world, special panoramic glasses and containers have been created. The largest panoramic glass 20 meters wide, 5 meters high and 35 centimeters thick, made to order in Japan, is installed here. Thanks to the inexhaustible imagination of the designers and unique engineering solutions, you really feel yourself in the arms of the ocean element. Huge sharks, without slowing down, rush directly at visitors and sweep over their heads, small fish scurry around, jellyfish swim smoothly, skirting coral reefs. And all this spectacle is accompanied by a symphony of the ocean: splashes, screams, blows, rustles - the ocean lives around you.

What is the prevailing weather in the Netherlands?

The climate of the Netherlands determines the location in the temperate latitude and lowlands of the Atlantic, because of this, cyclones are very frequent in the country, the sky is gloomy, cloudy and foggy. It is clear for only more than one month a year. But, on the other hand, in winter, the approximate temperature is 2 degrees, there are no sharp frosts and temperature changes, even precipitation in winter in the Netherlands is a rare phenomenon. In summer, the temperature is also moderate, but there are sultry days, this is due to cyclones, which the Netherlands are prone to due to the proximity to the Atlantic Ocean and the absence of any highlands. This climate is extremely favorable for vegetable growing.

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