Treehouse Germany

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Treehouse Germany

The tree houses may seem like a relic of the past(like a fantasy when you were a kid), but as it turns out, they are making a comeback. With the growing popularity of unique living spaces, these above ground structures are a new thing on the travel list. Most romantic vacations nowadays involve tree houses, and when you consider the elements of nature, seclusion and luxurious amenities, it's no wonder why.

A new attraction has recently appeared in Germany. For lovers of exotic holidays, enterprising Germans offer to settle on a tree, which immediately attracted the attention of many tourists. True, living in the neighbourhood with birds will not be cheap for travellers, since a real comfortable hotel has been built in the branches. Now tourists traveling in Germany can completely diversify their vacation by spending the night in one of the most unusual hotels in the world.You can check our offers for a tree house Germany and ...


Not the entire area of ​​the country is a densely populated industrial state. Here in many places the plant world, untouched by the human hand, has been preserved which is under strict protection by the state. However, a significant part of the natural vegetation in the densely populated area has not been preserved. Primary forests here are either completely cut down or replaced by plantings. Most of the country's forests are coniferous, but deciduous forests are also found. The most popular conifers are pine, spruce, fir and larch. Hardwoods - beech, oak, chestnut, birch, maple and walnut.

The flora is most diverse in the area of ​​alpine meadows, which are located in the southern part of the country. Many wildflowers can be observed here, such as alpine roses, orchids, violets, edelweiss, cyclamen, buttercups and gentian. Lichens, mosses and various grasses grow high in the mountains. As for the berries and mushrooms that grow in the forests of Germany, they are overwhelmingly poisonous and have a bright color. The government pays great attention to the greening of cities, spending a significant amount of effort and money on this. Thanks to this, plantings and parks can be observed in every part of any city.

In order to reduce the frequency of acid rain, which caused great damage to forests, a whole range of measures was taken to limit harmful emissions into the atmosphere(elimination of emissions at thermal power plants, filters on cars, etc.). A long-term environmental program aimed at reducing air emissions and purifying water bodies and wastewater is still underway.

Fauna of Germany

A significant part of the country is occupied by forests (especially in the south), so there is a fairly large number of mammals and birds. In Germany, wild boars, roe deer, deer, goats, fallow deer, wolves, foxes, marmots, badgers, martens, hares, rabbits and mouse-like rodents live in woodlands. Bison, moose and bears are found in small numbers. Lynx can be found in Bavaria. The rivers are inhabited by otters, but their number has greatly decreased in recent years due to environmental pollution.

Among the feathered representatives of the animal world, you can see eagles, vultures and falcons, which live more in forests than in open spaces. On the roofs of many houses you can see white storks, which are quite common here. Many migratory birds also migrate through Germany, including ducks, geese and many marsh species. There are practically no reptiles here, only in some areas you can find a viper.

In the seas, there are flounder, herring, sea bass and cod, and in the rivers - trout, carp and catfish. In city parks, you can find a wide variety of waterfowl, which are strictly protected by law(for killing one duck, you face up to 3 years in prison). The government of the country pays due attention to the care of the preservation of the unique landscapes and the remaining rare animals and plants, therefore, there are several dozen natural parks and reserves. The most famous nature reserve, both in Germany and abroad, is the Bavarian Forest, created back in 1969. On its territory you can see rare representatives of flora and fauna..

River cruises

Looking at Germany from the water is an amazing feeling. Rhine, Moselle, Elbe gladly invite tourists to visit river cruises. During the riverwalk, magnificent views open up and you can also listen to educational excursions about the culture and history of European countries.

Alpine skiing and paragliding

Ski resorts in Germany are popular all over the world, they are distinguished by affordable prices and excellent service. Among them: Oberstdorf, Reith im Winkel, Berchtesgaden. For a trip to this country during the winter, it is best to come during Catholic Christmas and New Year's week. Also a good time for skiing is the second half of February and until mid-April. For fans of extreme types of recreation, many ski resorts in Germany, in addition to standard alpine skiing, snowboarding, mountaineering, will also offer paragliding flights.

Seasonal festivals and fairs

Germany's calendar is full of various holidays and festivals, so at any time of the year you can get in this country for a celebration or folk festivities. In February, you can get to the famous Berlin Film Festival, where world-class film stars will walk the red carpet. In the period from 13 to 15 October in Germany, you can celebrate the favorite holiday of local residents - the onion festival, or Zwiebelmarkt. It is on these days that the fair opens its doors to visitors so that they can see and be surprised at such praise for this vegetable. You can taste and buy a variety of onions, take part in a fashion show of edible costumes, or prove yourself in sports - take part in a 10km race. The culmination of the evening is the choice of the Onion Queen. The winner will receive a crown, and of course, which is made from fresh onions! This tradition has existed in the city of Weimar since the 17th century. Another popular "vegetable" festival is the harvest festival in Rhineland. It is held in autumn and at the end of the festivities is always accompanied by bright splashes of fireworks. At the end of September - beginning of October, the largest beer festival in the world takes place in Munich. About 7 million tons of this drink are drunk annually during the holiday.

Climate, weather in Germany

The climate in Germany is moderate, typical for Europe, however, due to the fact that Germany has different landscapes, the climate in the country is correspondingly different. The climate of northern Germany is influenced by the North and Baltic Sea, making it maritime with rainy summers, warm winters and numerous storms. West Germany has a warm oceanic climate with rainy winters and warm summers due to the influence of the Atlantic Ocean. In the east and southeast, there is a continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. Southwest Germany has a humid subtropical climate. In the very south of Germany, in the Alpine mountains, a typical mountain climate. According to the German State Weather Service(Deutsche Wetterdienst), the average annual temperature in Germany was 10.4°С in 2020. The coldest month in Germany is January and the warmest is July. In 2020, Germany recorded 1,896 hours of sunshine and rainfall of 705 liters per square meter.

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