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Nature house in Curtis Galicia, Spain
Nature house in Xesta (A Lama) Galicia, Spain
- 4 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in LIRA Galicia, Spain
- 6 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
Nature house in A Lama Galicia, Spain
- 6 Persons
- 4 bedrooms
Nature house in San Sadurnino Galicia, Spain
- 6 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
Nature house in Begonte Galicia, Spain
- 4 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Curtis Galicia, Spain
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Biobra Galicia, Spain
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Muxia Galicia, Spain
- 8 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
Nature house in San Sadurnino Galicia, Spain
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Monforte de Lemos Galicia, Spain
- 6 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
Nature house in Muxia Galicia, Spain
- 4 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Curtis Galicia, Spain
- 2 Persons
Nature house in Curtis Galicia, Spain
- 2 Persons
Nature house in Curtis Galicia, Spain
- 2 Persons
Nature house in Narahio Galicia, Spain
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Muros Galicia, Spain
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Trabada Galicia, Spain
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
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These nature houses can be found in the surroundings of .
Cottages in Galicia
Explore the majestic Iberian nature with your friends or family and stay in one of the cottages we offer in Galicia. The cottages are equipped with everything needed for a comfortable holiday among the best of Spain’s nature. Get ready for a colorful mixture of history, rich culture and an atmosphere like no other. By choosing to visit Spain, you sign up for an adventure with Mother Nature – mountains and forests, volcanoes, wild rivers, and steep cliffs looking over beautiful lakes await on your next adventure.
Galicia is the westernmost community of Spain and lies on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and the Cantabrian Sea. More than 1,600 km of coastline await visitors to this historical region of Spain. This includes the coastline of Galicia’s islands – Cies islands, Ons, Salvora, Cortegada Island.
Exploring Galicia
The landscape of this comunidad is very clearly divided into a mountainous interior and flatter coastal areas. The mountain ranges to the inner parts of the region are relatively low, rarely rising to altitudes higher than 1,000m. This system is known as the Galician Massif. Many legends surround the mountains and locals believe that fairies, elves and ghosts occupy most of the mountain territories.
A remarkable part of Galicia’s nature are the so called rias. These are inlets along the coast, former estuaries which disappeared once the sea levels rose after the ice age. You need to definitely visit either the Rias Altas or the Rias Baixas and enjoy the amazing landscape!
A great place to visit is the northernmost point of Galicia – Estaca de Bares. This is also the northernmost point of Spain and the Iberian Peninsula! Estaca de Bares is a peninsula into the Cantabrian sea. As it penetrates quite a lot into it and is exposed to the weather conditions from the Atlantic Ocean, this is one of the places in Spain which sees the most rain throughout the year.
Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park is the only national park in Galicia. It includes the four archipelagos of Cies, Ons , Salvora and Cortegada. Since 2021 this park has been recognized as a protected Ramsar site! This means that its territory is a protected wetland of international importance under the Ramsar Convention of UNESCO. This park is part of the Rias Baixas. The most interesting point about the wildlife on the park premises is the laurel forest. It contains over 200 species of seaweed and is a primary home for numerous shellfish and corals.
Activities to try
If you wish to take a dip into the Cantabrian Sea or the Atlantic, head to the beaches. If you are looking for adrenaline – head to the rivers. Ulla and Xallas Rivers provide the perfect opportunity for adventurers to get their daily dose of adrenaline. Rafting, kayaking, hydrospeed and aquatic canyoning all come in a package with a fast heartbeat and a bit of cold sweat!
We are kayaking fans and we cannot skip to share with you our favorite route – the Ezaro Waterfall and Ezaro Beach route! This is in the province of A Coruña and will lead you to one of the best waterfalls we have seen! Looking at it from your small kayak in the water makes this activity much more adrenaline-boosting than expected!