Bungalow Eifel

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Bungalow Eifel

Do you want to spend your next holiday in a fully equipped bungalow in the middle of nature? We have the right offers for you. In the bungalows in Eifel you will be able to be close enough to your everyday life, but at the same time so far from the big city. There is a long list of attractions in this region that will diversify your day. You will be able to relax in nature and enjoy what you love. Take a look at our offers for bungalows in Eifel and enjoy your vacation.

Flora of Germany

Despite the fact that over 30% of the country's territory is covered with forests, they are all either artificial plantations or forest plantations that arose at the site of deforestation. Most of them are concentrated in the Central German mountains. The coniferous forests of spruce and pine predominate, in the mountains coniferous-deciduous with the participation of beech, oak, hornbeam, etc.; along the river valleys - floodplain forests of willow, poplar.

The smallest forests in the northwest and south of the plains, the highest forest cover in the mountains, as well as in Frankfurt, south of Neubrandenburg and north of Potsdam. Dense forests cover Cottbus County. Deciduous and pine forests are preserved in the lowlands, especially in the vicinity of Berlin. The area of ​​Lake Magdeburg is characterized by small but numerous masses of beech forests with an admixture of birch, pine trees on sandy soils and alder in bays. At Fleming's height, heather, juniper and grassy waste predominate.

There are many conifers: pine dominates the north, spruce dominates the center and south. Grasses, lichens and mosses grow in the highest massifs, as well as in the Alps above 2200–2800m. Very large abundance of flowering plants. Among the flowers is an especially popular tricolor violet. It is a symbol of living nature. It grows on forest edges, in meadows, among bushes. In honor of the first spring flower in Germany, Spring Day is celebrated. Steppe vegetation is found in the Danube Valley, the Mediterranean in the southwest, peat bogs in the northern plains and the Bavarian Plateau.

The animal world of Germany

The fauna of Germany is not very rich. The most common animals in Germany are: squirrel, wild boar and fox, deer, roe deer, deer, rabbits, hares and rodents. Marble lives in alpine meadows. In the valley of the Elbe - beaver, marten, wild cats.

Among the few reptiles, a graft stands out. Of the birds found mainly sparrows, starlings, woodpeckers, black birds, cuckoos, finches, swallows, eagles, owls, spells, moons, pheasants, partridges. Trees, an eagle owl, a stone eagle, a heron, a crane, a stork are preserved in the reserves. From marsh birds - tree spots, scorpions, snipes, white storks. Wetlands along the Baltic and North Seas are important for migratory birds in Europe, especially ducks, geese and birds. In coastal waters there are herring, cod, flounder, sea bass; in the rivers of the country - carp, trout, catfish.


The volcanic region of Hegau on the western side of Lake Constance(Baden-Württemberg) is steeped in legends and tales. About 14 million years ago, local volcanoes were most active, then "asleep" and today are densely covered with greenery. Winemakers use this land for vineyards. The composition of the volcanic soil differs from the usual, this is reflected in the taste of the grapes and, therefore, in the taste of the drink. Every year the local farmers organize a wine festival and everyone can taste the fruits of the new harvest. On the slopes of extinct volcanoes there are fortresses and castles with a long history. Hohenville's largest fortress is located near the town of Singen.

From the top there is a stunning view of the entire Hegau region to the Alps with their snow-capped peaks - even in summer. Relic volcanic cones, Ancient volcanic structures - the Vogelsberg and Rhone massifs are located on the border of three lands - Bavaria, Hesse and Thuringia. Vogelsberg is the only shield volcano in Germany, formed as a result of repeated eruptions of high-temperature lava and the largest basalt massif in Europe. It is twice the size of the famous Sicilian volcano Etna. Vogelsberg originated about 19 million years ago, operated for ten million years, and was inactive for seven million years. Ryong is an active volcano. Its last eruption was in 1925. Basalt peaks, colored sandstones, limestone, brown coal, phonolite - you can learn more about the geology of this region, its origin and current state during a visit to the Ryon Biological Reserve.

In the Bavarian town of Parkstein, near Nuremberg, they like to quote the German geographer and naturalist Alexander von Humboldt, who calls the local extinct prehistoric volcano the most beautiful basalt rock in Europe. Humboldt came to Parkstein from Bayreuth, where he led the development of mines, many of which were always nearby. And this is not surprising, because the city is located in an area that was once extremely seismically active. The volcanoes in the Oberpfalz region have a 20-year history that can be learned at the Vulkan Erlebnismuseum. What is the Hercynian fold, where does the magma come from, how do minerals and crystals form, what is happening to volcanoes and rocks now - all this is told by excursions to the museum, the top of the rock and its underground elements.

German climate

Climatic conditions in Germany are favorable for life and agriculture. The country is located in the temperate zone. The climate is temperate, maritime and transitional from marine to continental. High mountain climatic zones appear in the mountainous regions. The severity of winters increases with the distance from the beach, but severe frosts are rare. The average January temperature in the plains is from -4°C to -2°C, in the Alps - to -5°C, in July in the plains the temperature is between +16°C and +20°C, in the highlands up to +14°C. When the anticyclone spreads over Europe, carrying masses of cold air from Siberia, low temperatures are observed. For example, in the North German lowlands, temperatures drop to -12°C. In summer, temperatures rise to the south, and the highest percentages are observed in the Upper Rhine lowlands. The average July temperature there is 19°C, and the average July temperature in Berlin is 18.5°C.

The average annual rainfall throughout the country is 600-700mm. In the North German lowlands it falls 600-750mm, in the mountains at medium altitude there is much more than the windward western side, less than the leeward eastern side(for example, Harz) and 1000-2000mm or more in the Alps. The maximum precipitation in the northwest falls in autumn, the minimum in spring, in the south at maximum in summer and the minimum in winter. Fogs are common in the mountains and along the coast. The duration of the snow cover increases with moving away from the sea and increasing the terrain in the mountains. Droughts are rare, floods are frequent, caused by rain and the rapid melting of snow and ice in the mountains.

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