Cottages Drenthe

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Cottages Drenthe

In the northeastern region of the Netherlands, wedged between Germany and Friesland, Groningen, and Overijssel, lies Drenthe. It is the most sparsely populated province in the Netherlands with various options to experience the natural beauty and recreational trips. There are three national parks with several preserved natural reserves and Forestiers. You are very close to Nature from your cottage in Drenthe.

Spread over the province, you will also find 52 large structures. These unique structures, made of gigantic boulders, used to serve as burial chambers and are part of the province of Drenthe. The buildings are built between 3350 - 3050 BC, consisting of many supporting stones, and In addition to the 52 boulders in Drenthe, there are also more buildings in the Groningen province. One of them is situated in a forest near the Noordlaren town, and the other one is Muzeeaquarium in Delfzijl town. Together they form the 54 boulders of the Netherlands.

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