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Nature house in Norg Drenthe, Netherlands
Nature house in Midlaren Drenthe, Netherlands
- 4 Persons
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Nature house in Dwingeloo Drenthe, Netherlands
- 6 Persons
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Nature house in Geesbrug Drenthe, Netherlands
- 6 Persons
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Nature house in Schoonloo Drenthe, Netherlands
- 8 Persons
- 4 bedrooms
Nature house in Norg Drenthe, Netherlands
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Drijber Drenthe, Netherlands
- 2 Persons
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Nature house in Ellertshaar Drenthe, Netherlands
- 2 Persons
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Nature house in Echten Drenthe, Netherlands
- 2 Persons
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Nature house in Zuidwolde Drenthe, Netherlands
- 6 Persons
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Nature house in Roderwolde Drenthe, Netherlands
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Ekehaar Drenthe, Netherlands
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Dwingeloo Drenthe, Netherlands
- 6 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
Nature house in Fluitenberg Drenthe, Netherlands
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Hollandscheveld Drenthe, Netherlands
- 3 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Exloërveen Drenthe, Netherlands
- 2 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Hoogersmilde Drenthe, Netherlands
- 2 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
Nature house in Dwingeloo Drenthe, Netherlands
- 6 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
Nature house in Norg Drenthe, Netherlands
- 2 Persons
Nature house in Meppen Drenthe, Netherlands
- 4 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
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These nature houses can be found in the surroundings of .
Cottages Drenthe
In the northeastern region of the Netherlands, wedged between Germany and Friesland, Groningen, and Overijssel, lies Drenthe. It is the most sparsely populated province in the Netherlands with various options to experience the natural beauty and recreational trips. There are three national parks with several preserved natural reserves and Forestiers. You are very close to Nature from your cottage in Drenthe.
Spread over the province, you will also find 52 large structures. These unique structures, made of gigantic boulders, used to serve as burial chambers and are part of the province of Drenthe. The buildings are built between 3350 - 3050 BC, consisting of many supporting stones, and In addition to the 52 boulders in Drenthe, there are also more buildings in the Groningen province. One of them is situated in a forest near the Noordlaren town, and the other one is Muzeeaquarium in Delfzijl town. Together they form the 54 boulders of the Netherlands.
The natural gems of Drenthe
The forests in the Drents-Friese are mainly cultivated and dense, consisting of a massive part of conifers. The places with barren land like Berkenheuvel and the northern Kale Duinen are vast Scots pine and craw berry forests. The areas with craw berries are pretty unique. In regions with richer soil, there are oak-beech forests with rich nutrient values. Some coniferous forest species, like creeping lady's tresses, little evergreen, twinflower, and stiff club moss, can be found in the coniferous forestry of Smilde and Appelscha. In places with slightly richer soil, species like the May lily, multi-flowered Solomon's seal, common holly, arctic starflower, hellebore, and oak fern flourish quickly. The Appelscha forestry also has a rich supply of mushrooms.
In the damp places in heathlands, bell heather, bog gentian, common cotton grass, shore weed, bog asphodel, spotted heath orchids, oblong and round-leaved sundew can be found. Heathers, woodrush, harebell, wild thyme, lousewort, and the rare arnica Montana grow in higher sand grounds. Moreover, three different club moss types: Marsh club moss, running club moss, and cypress spurge. The shifting sands are famous for plants like pearlwort spurrey, shepherd's cress, and different moss and lichens types.
Round fens, heather species, bell heather, crowberry, common heather are found, and fen berry species and plants like many-stalked spike-rush, cranberry, lavender heather, bladder worth, and sometimes, bur-reed are also seen in woods. There is a solitary place in the Smilde forestry where the bog bilberry grows, and it is a scarce species found in the Netherlands.
The diversity in landscape types and plant growth has enriched the animal realm. Mainly birds are found here. Forest birds, grassland birds, and swamp birds are flying here and there every time.
Heath, fens, shifting sands, and well-developed forests appear to be significant for bird habitat. In open sand areas, the woodlark and the tawny pipit can be easily found. The rare nightjar is also seen many times in the transition area towards the forests. Waders like the black-tailed godwit, redshank love these areas during migration, and these species sometimes also breed in these areas. Rough terrains with rugged bushes serve as the breeding grounds for the very rare red-backed shrike. Open water fens are used for breeding by the black tern, the black-necked grebe, the little grebe, the common teal, and others, while the marsh harrier uses the waterside area for breeding; that's why they are abundant there. The extensive forests are an excellent habitat for prey, owls, honey buzzard, common buzzard, hawk, sparrow hawk, and barn owl.
Moreover, five different types of woodpeckers have been spotted in the forests too. Other birds like Red Poll, hawfinch, nightingale, and crossbill are also found in the woods. The forests are of great value for many typical birds like the coal tit, flycatcher, greenfinch warbler. During migration, the Drents-Friese Wold is inhibited by several bird species. The bean goose and birds of prey like the hen harrier and the peregrine falcon love this place.
Fun things to do in Drenthe
Despite the relatively small area of Drenthe, there is a clear difference in types of landscapes. The middle of the province, the 'old Drenthe', is characterized by green villages, heathlands and brook valleys where sheep herds are still regularly seen. The lower parts of the province are formed by peat bogs, which were mined for peat extraction until the middle of the last century. Animals that feel at home on the Drenthe heath include the ring snake, peat butterfly, salamander, hawk, Scottish highlander and roe deer.
In Drenthe you won't find many big cities. Small, cozy (green) villages are abundant. The largest and most noteworthy cities in the province are Assen, Emmen, Hoogeveen and Meppel. Here you can visit the TT-circuit, the Drents Museum, the Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen and - for lovers of history and history - the Remembrance Centre at Camp Westerbork. For lovers of cycling and hiking there is also plenty to do in Drenthe. Throughout the province are well paved routes, also for mountain bikers and riders.
In the 19th century many canals were built in Drenthe, because the rivers and streams were too narrow for the canal and for the removal of peat. Nowadays these canals are mainly used for fishing and for canoeing and boating. Sometimes this is even possible directly from your holiday home or holiday park! Going out with the children? Then visit a sheepfold or climb the lookout towers in one of the three national parks.