- 7 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
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Nature house in Mäntyharju South, Finland
Nature house in Savonranta Central, Finland
- 4 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Suomussalmi Central, Finland
- 6 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
Nature house in Ranua Lapland, Finland
- 4 Persons
Nature house in Ranua Lapland, Finland
- 12 Persons
- 5 bedrooms
Nature house in Taipalsaari South, Finland
- 6 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
Nature house in Helsinki South, Finland
- 4 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Enonkoski South, Finland
- 10 Persons
- 5 bedrooms
Nature house in Kätkäsuvanto Lapland, Finland
- 2 Persons
- 1 bedroom
Nature house in Hirsjärvi South, Finland
- 8 Persons
- 4 bedrooms
Nature house in Kuusamo Lapland, Finland
- 6 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
Nature house in Munsala West coast, Finland
- 4 Persons
- 3 bedrooms
Nature house in Pyhätunturi Lapland, Finland
- 12 Persons
- 4 bedrooms
Nature house in Ruokolahti South, Finland
- 4 Persons
Nature house in Kuusamo Lapland, Finland
- 4 Persons
- 2 bedrooms
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Last minute Finland
Have you felt tired from the urban routine recently? This is a very common occurrence since the average city person is much more stressed out than somebody who lives in the countryside. They’re one of the reasons being the less sleep, stress and responsibilities. One way or another, the big city negatively affects our bodies and minds, because we rarely let our bodies and minds rest. Thanks to nautre.house these breaks could be as spontaneous as possible, easy and most relaxing! Book a last-minute Finland trip and let your body and psyche regenerate.
Natural paradise
The breathtaking Finnish environment is a perfect place to regenerate because it’s a wonderful natural environment, full of fauna and flora. As aforementioned, someone who spends more time in the countryside is much healthier. Whether you book a place in the magical Finish Lapland to the North, the Oulu and Finish Lakeland in the center or in West or Southern Finland, there is a big variation of animals you might encounter around your place. These animals include Brown bear, Reindeer, Grey wolf and Golden eagle, Lemming, Raccoon Dog, Wolverine and Snowy Owl. When it comes to flora and fauna, Much of Finland is dominated by conifers - mainly pine and spruce, however there are some notable exceptions to the south like birch, hazel, aspen, maple, elm, linden, and alder. Book a last-minute trip with nature.house and lose yourself within the Dutch nature.
Due to the toxicity of an average city dweller’s routine, the average individual tends to sleep a little below the recommended hours per night. This is a result of many things, however, mainly the stress and responsibilities we put up with. We think about them when we go to sleep and then also first thing in the morning. Also, some people experience a lack of sleep due to noise pollution. One reason or another, this is harmful for us. Nature.house offers you the easiest and quickest method of relaxation - a last-minute getaway in Finland. Imagine waking up to the birds singing instead of the car honking and having nothing to stress about, only the warm breeze in your hair. Book now and give yourself the much-needed regeneration your body needs.
Besides relaxing
Apart from relaxing around your accommodation, there are many activities you could take up and further bond with nature. For example, you could go hiking in one of Finland’s 4o national parks. Other unique and exciting activities are to sleep in a glass igloo and ride a reindeer or husky sleigh. Furthermore, you could go birdwatching and large mammal watching. Moreover, a nice, relaxing picnic might be just the thing you need before you depart. Last but not least, if you visit during the winter you could always take up a winter sport of your choice. With all that said, wherever you stay during your Last minute Finland trip, nature will be within your reach at all times and relieving yourself from the stress is for certain!