
Together we contribute to local nature projects

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Nature is everywhere. It is the source of everything surrounding us. Nature is what the earth, and us included, is made of. That is why we often tend to retrieve back to it, because it where everything started and it is the only place that can provide us with the calm and the stillness we need.

People, out of nature, created an environment where nature often cannot find its way through because not humanized enough. That's why it's us then that look for nature, to feel better and ourselves again. Nature is and will always be the place we all come from. Nature is perfect, beautiful, complete, colorful, wise, still, thoughtful, welcoming, wild, harsh, all characteristics we also have. Why? Because we are also part of nature, but with a human look.

What's the connection between nature and Naturehouse?

Nature is actually what triggered the founders of Naturehouse to start this company. Two nature lovers, Tim and Luuk, decided to combine their passion for nature and birdwatching with what they studied. The result, Naturehouse: an online platform where people can rent out different kinds of accommodations, all in nature, in order to provide people with the great feeling of being surrounded by green and kindness for the whole time of their staying. They believe in the power of nature to help people re-connect to themselves and feel safe and 'home' again. When people retrieve in nature, they start feeling more relaxed, inspired and better in general because they find in nature what they cannot have in the city, where chaos and stress rule.

Naturehouse provides several kinds of accommodations, all different from each other but with the common trait of being plunged in nature. Some are in very remote areas where the only thing they are in contact with is green, wild animals, sun, mountains, sea and much more, depending on the area. The love for nature brought to life the idea of ​​creating this platform to help people reconnect to nature, but also to themselves. Being in nature is something very important nowadays and we should always give ourselves this possibility or this escape, how we prefer to look at it.

If you are a travel and nature lover, try to head over to our site and scroll through all the possibilities that this platform gives you to spend the holiday of your dreams with whoever you prefer, family, friends, partner or of course also alone. Nature won't let you down, ever. If you feel the urge to escape the hectic city life and to feel more reconnected to yourself, try with renting one of our properties and then nature will do all the rest. With its wilderness, calm, stillness, colors, acceptance and beauty, it will make you feel like you haven't felt for a long time, calm, relaxed, grounded, lucid, laid back and happy in general. Also the poets of the past highlighted the power that nature had to make people feel better and more positive about life.

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