Cottages Italy

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Cottages in Italy

Italy is a European country consisting of a peninsula delimited by the Alps and surrounded by several islands. When picturing Italy, what comes in mind is the fascinating views of the mountains with beautifully white snow edges or the white sandy beaches with crystal clear water, or the delicious food. Sounds like the perfect holiday destination, doesn't it?

Imagine - mountains, forests, meadows, lakes. It is possible to explore the spectacular nature of Italy with Nature. House. The remote locations of our Italian cottages and holiday homes give you the freedom you need for a relaxing holiday. Away from the crowds and away from your busy daily routine. However, if you prefer to explore not only nature but also architecture and the cities' vibe, there is the possibility to book your accommodation near a village. Italy is famous for its pastoral charm, especially present in Umbria, Calabria, Abruzzo, and the less-known Marche. We also offer accommodations in the Nature Parks and National Parks where you can find an abundance of unique flora and fauna.

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